
Banner photo: Dolerite dyke at Point Irwin, Walpole-Nornalup National Park, Western Australia. Photo courtesy of C. Elders.

Refereed Journal Articles

Last Updated: 10/10/2024

Total: 62 (29 first author and 11 where first author was a *supervised student or #postdoc), Google Scholar statistics

2024 (6) + 9 under review

- Heseldell, L., Timms, N. E., Olierook, H. K. H., Smail, T., Clark, C., Conner, G., Makin, S., in review, Petrogenesis and geochronology of the granulite facies gneissic suite hosting the Katanning Gold Deposit, Yilgarn Craton, southwest Western Australia. Precambrian Research. Submitted, 8 October 2024. Impact Factor, 2023 = 3.2.

- Volante, S., Pourteau, A., Li, Z.-X., Collins, W. J., Doucet, Luc. S., Olierook, H. K. H., Martin, L., Smit, M., in review, Oxygen isotope shifts during continental anatexis: fingerprints of fluid-fluxed melting. Communications, Earth and Environment. Submitted, 12 September 2024. Impact Factor, 2023 = 8.4.

- Kirkland, C. L., Liebmann, J., Gamaleldien, H., Olierook, H. K. H., Dröllner, M., Johnson, T. E., O'Neill, C., Schmitt, A., in review, An exogenic to endogenic thermal transition on Earth 3.9 billion years ago. Communications, Earth and Environment. Submitted, 20 September 2024. Impact Factor, 2023 = 8.1.

- *Watts, C. W., Elders, C., O'Mara, M., Timms, N. E., Olierook, H. K. H., In review, Evolution of a rift segment boundary: an example from the northern Perth Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Rejected, 23 June 2024. Impact Factor, 2023= 3.7.

- *Olden, L., Barham, M., Olierook, H. K. H., Godel, B., Fougerouse, D., Cunneen, J., Forman, L., In review, Exceptional preservation of cellular microstructures in Mid-Phanerozoic stromatolites from Western Australia. Geobiology. Resubmitted, 15 July 2024. Impact Factor, 2022 = 2.7.

- *Rohrer, R., Evans, K. A., Kirkland, C. L., Olierook, H. K. H., Johnson, T., In review, Variable Sr diffusion and implications for biotite Rb–Sr geochronology. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. Submitted, 13 May 2024. Impact Factor, 2022 = 3.5.

- Olierook, H. K. H., Combs, J., McInnes, B. I. A., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J., Tessalina, S. G., Ware, B. D., Crawford, A. J., Shantha Kumara, A., Baublys, K. A., Kirkland, C. L., Leaver, G., Rovira, A., In review, Mesoarchean secular change facilitated emplacement and preservation of the oldest magmatic nickel-copper deposit. Mineralium Deposita. Submitted, 16 November 2023. Impact Factor, 2022 = 4.9.

-  Chang, S.-C., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Yuan, Y., Liu, Z., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Zhang, Y., Tan, S., Zhou, J., Zhou, Z., Yu, S., In review, Timing and cause of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a revealed in the terrestrial record. Geophysical Research Letters. Resubmitted, 31 January 2024. Impact Factor, 2022 = 5.2.

- *Sathish Kumar, D. H., Olierook, H. K. H., Barham, M., Kirkland, C. L., Rankenburg., K., Evans, N. J.,  in review, Provenance and tectonic intricacies revealed by in situ Rb-Sr dating of detrital micas. Chemical Geology. Minor Revisions, 9 July 2024, Impact Factor, 2022 = 3.9.

62. #Jiang, Q., Olierook, H. K. H., Jourdan, F., Carmona Hoyos, D., Merle, R. E., Mervine, E. M., Sager, W. W., in press, Formation of Earth’s longest preserved linear volcanic ridge: implications for hotspot motions and lateral plume flows. Nature Communications. Accepted, 10 October 2024. Impact Factor, 2023 = 14.7.

61. Gamaleldien, H., Wang, K., Abu Anbar, M. Olierook, H. K. H., Johnson, T., Kirkland, C. L., Li, Z.-X., Johnson, T. E., 2024, Potassium isotopes trace the formation of juvenile continental crust. Geoscience Frontiers, 15, 101882. Impact Factor, 2023 = 8.5.

60. Kirkland, C. L., Dröllner, M., de Gromard, Q., Ribeiro, Bruno V., Olierook, H. K. H., Barham, M., Liebmann, J., Smithies, H., 2024, Cryptic geological histories accessed through entombed and matrix geochronometers in dykes. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 311. Impact Factor, 2022 = 7.9. (Open Access link)

59. *Joseph, C., Fougerouse, D., Cavosie, A. J., Olierook, H. K. H., Reddy, S. M., Tacchetto, T., Quintero, R. R., Kennedy, A., Saxey, D. W., Rickard, W. D. A., 2024, Towards a new impact geochronometer: Deformation microstructures and U-Pb systematics of shocked xenotime. Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta, 374, 33–50. Impact Factor, 2022 = 5.0.

58. Gamaleldien, H., Wu, L.-G., Olierook, H. K. H., Li, Z.-X., Johnson, T. E., Makin, S., Li, Q.-L., Jiang, Q., Li, X.-H., 2024, Onset of the Earth’s hydrological cycle four billion years ago or earlier. Nature Geoscience, 17, 560–565. Impact Factor, 2022 = 18.3.

57. *Kuper, K. M., Armstrong, R., Kirkland, C. L., Olierook, H. K. H., Clark, C., Evans, K. A., 2024, Implications of high-grade metamorphism on detrital zircon data sets: A case study from the Fraser Zone, Western Australia. Chemical Geology, 647, 121918. Impact Factor, 2022 = 3.9.

2023 (9)

56. Zemeny, A., Kinney, C., Yakymchuk, C., Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Gardiner, N., Szilas, K., 2023, Mesoarchaean peridotite-norite cumulates of SW Greenland – The Miaggoq Ultramafic Complex. Lithos, 458-459, 107352. Impact Factor, 2021 = 4.02.

55. Olierook, H. K. H., Fougerouse, D., Doucet, L., Liu, Y., Rayner, M., Danišík , M., McInnes, B. I. A., Jacques, A. L., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J., Li, Z.-X., Kirkland, C. L., Mayers, C., Wingate, M. T. D.,  2023, Emplacement of the Argyle diamond deposit into an ancient rift zone triggered by supercontinent breakup. Nature Communications, 14, 5274. Impact Factor, 2022 = 17.69.

54. Doucet, L. S., Li, Z. X., Fougerouse, D., Olierook, H. K. H., Gamaleldien, H., Kirkland, C. L., Hartnady, M. I. H., 2023. The global lead isotope system: A new framework reflecting Earth’s dynamic evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 243, 104483. Impact Factor, 2022 = 12.41.

53. Olierook, H. K. H., Crook, K., Sinclair, P., Fougerouse, D., Joseph, C., Kirkland, C. L., Kennedy, A., Gao, H., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J., Quintero, R. R., Shantha Kumara, A., McInnes, B. I. A., 2023, Xenotime reveals Caledonian hydrothermal overprint on Neoproterozoic Cu-Pb mineralization, East Greenland. Journal of the Geological Society, 180, jgs2022-141. Impact Factor, 2022 = 2.77.

52. *Joseph, C., Fougerouse, D., Reddy, S. M., Olierook, H. K. H., Tacchetto, T., Kennedy, A., Saxey, D. W., Rickard, W. D. A., Denyszyn, S., Dodd, A., 2023, Radiogenic Pb in xenotime trapped in nanoscale inclusions of apatite during fluid alteration. Chemical Geology, 630, 121444. Impact Factor, 2021 = 4.69.

51. Peyrot, D., Ibilola, O., Martin, S. K., Thomas, C. M., Olierook, H. K. H., Mory, A. J., 2023, Valanginian–Hauterivian vegetation inferred from palynological successions from the southern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Cretaceous Research, 148, 105504. Impact Factor, 2021 = 2.12. (ResearchGate link)

50. Kirkland, C. L., Olierook, H. K. H., Danišík, M., Liebmann, J., Ribeiro, B., Rankenburg, K., 2023, Dating mylonitic overprinting of ancient rocks. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 47. Impact Factor, 2021 = 7.29(Open Access link)

49. *Jiang, Q., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Merle, R. E., 2023, An appraisal of the ages of Phanerozoic large igneous provinces. Earth-Science Reviews, 237, 104314. Impact Factor, 2021 = 12.41.

48. Wang, S., Brown, M., Wang, L., Johnson, T. E., Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Kylander-Clark, A., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J. 2023. Two-stage exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust: Insight from zircon, titanite, and apatite petrochronology, Sulu belt of eastern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135, 48-66. Impact Factor, 2020 = 3.56.

2022 (7)

47. Merle, R. E., Jiang, Q., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., 2022, The age and origin of the Balleny and Scott volcanic provinces, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geochemistry, 82, 125904. Impact Factor, 2020 = 2.292. 

46. *Jiang, Q., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Merle, R. E., Bourdet, J., Fougerouse, D., Walker, A. 2022, Volume and rate of volcanic CO2 emissions governed the severity of past environmental crises. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, e2202039119. Impact Factor, 2020 = 11.205.

45. Olierook, H. K. H., Mervine, E. M., Armstrong, R. A., Duckworth, R., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J., Kirkland, C. L., Shantha Kumara, A., Wood, D. G., Cristall, J., Jhala, K., Stirling, D. A., Friedman, I., McInnes, B. I. A., 2022. Uncovering the Leichhardt Superbasin and Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Complex in the southern Mount Isa Terrane, Australia. Precambrian Research, 375, 106680. Impact Factor, 2020 = 4.725. (ResearchGate link)

44. *Olden, L., Barham, M., Cunneen, J., Olierook, H. K. H., Suosaari, E., Smith, G., 2022. Mid-Phanerozoic microbialite forms and associated facies in the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia and their relationship to the end-Permian mass extinction. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 69, 473-496. Impact Factor, 2020 = 1.569.

43. Olierook, H. K. H., Gale, J., Pirajno, F., Jourdan, F., Kirkland, C. L., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B. J., Krejci, M., Jiang, Q., Shantha Kumara, A. Mayers, C., Frew, R. A., Kaag, H., McInnes, B. I. A., 2022. Terminal tectono-magmatic phase of the New England Orogen driven by lithospheric delamination. Gondwana Research, 106, 105-125. Impact Factor, 2020 = 6.051. (ResearchGate link)

42. Marsden, R., Danišík, M., Schmitt, A., Rankenburg, K., Guillong, M., Ahn, U. S., Kirkland, C. L., Evans, N. J., Bachmann, O., Tacchetto, T., McDonald, B. J., Olierook, H. K. H., 2022, SS14-28: an age reference material for zircon U-Th disequilibrium dating. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 57-69. Impact Factor, 2020 = 3.620.

41. Olierook, H. K. H., Jourdan, F., Kirkland, C. L., Elders, C., Evans, N. J., Timms, N. E., Cunneen, J., McDonald, B. J., Mayers, C., Frew, R. A., Jiang, Q., Olden, L. J., McClay, K. 2022. Mafic intrusions in southwestern Australia related to supercontinent assembly or breakup? Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 69, 200-222. Impact Factor, 2020 = 1.569. (ResearchGate link)

2021 (13)

40. Kirkland, C. L., Slagstad, T., Yakymchuck, C., Danišík, M., Rankenburg, K., Kinney, C., Olierook, H. K. H., Evans, N. J., 2021, Apatite and biotite thermochronometers help explain an Arctic Caledonide inverted metamorphic gradient. Chemical Geology, 584, 120524. Impact Factor, 2020 = 4.015.

39.*Jiang, Q., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Merle, R. E., Verati, C., Mayers, C., 2021, 40Ar/39Ar dating of basaltic rocks and the pitfalls of plagioclase alteration. Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta, 314, 334-357. Impact Factor, 2020 = 5.010. (ResearchGate link)

38. Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Hollis, J. A., Gardiner, N. J., Yakymchuck, C., Szilas, K., Hartnady., M. I. H., Barham, M., McDonald, B. J., Evans, N. J., Steenfelt, A., Waterton, P. 2021. Regional zircon U-Pb geochronology for the Maniitsoq region, southwest Greenland.  Scientific Data, 8, 139. Impact Factor, 2020 = 6.444. (Open Access link)

37. Strachan, R., Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., 2021. Evidence from the U-Pb-Hf signatures of detrital zircons for a Baltican provenance for the Lower Old Red Sandstone, northern Scottish Caledonides. Journal of the Geological Society, 178, jgs2020-241. Impact Factor, 2020 = 3.800. (ResearchGate link)

36.*Jiang, Q., Merle, R. E., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Whitehouse, M., Evans, K. A., Wang, X.-C., Conway, C. E., Bostock, H.C, Wysoczanski, R.J., 2021, Timing of seafloor spreading cessation at the Macquarie Ridge Complex (SW Pacific) and implications for upper mantle heterogeneity. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009485. Impact Factor, 2020 = 3.624. (ResearchGate link)

35. Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Barham, M., Daggitt, M. L., Hollis, J., Hartnady., M., 2021, Extracting meaningful U-Pb ages from core–rim mixtures. Gondwana Research, 92, 102–112. Impact Factor, 2020 = 6.051. (ResearchGate link)

34. Olierook, H. K. H., Affleck, R. G., Evans, N. J., Jourdan, F., Kirkland, C. L., Evans, Volante, S., Nordsvan, A. R., McInnes, B. I., McDonald, B., Mayers, C., Frew, R. A., Rankenburg, K., d'Offay, N., Nind, M., Larking, A., 2021. Mineralization proximal to the final Nuna suture in northeastern Australia. Gondwana Research, 92, 54–71. Impact Factor, 2020 = 6.051. (ResearchGate link)

33. *Jiang, Q., Merle, R. E., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Chiaradia, M., Evans, K. A., Wang, X.-C., Conway, C. E., Bostock, H.C, Wysoczanski, R.J., 2021, Origin of geochemically heterogeneous mid-ocean ridge basalts from the Macquarie Ridge Complex, SW Pacific. Lithos, 380381, 105893. Impact Factor, 2020 = 4.004.

32. Kirkland, C. L., Hartnady, M., Barham, M., Olierook, H. K. H., Steenfelt, A., Hollis, J., 2021, Widespread reworking of Hadean-to-Eoarchean continents during Earth’s thermal peak. Nature Communications, 12, 331. Impact Factor, 2020 = 14.919. (Open Access link)

31. Kirkland, C. L., Yakymchuk, C., Olierook, H. K. H., Steenfelt, A., Szilas, K, Hollis, J., Gardiner, N. J.,  Johnson, T., 2021. Theoretical versus empirical secular change in Archean zircon composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554, 116660. Impact Factor, 2020 = 5.255.

30. Olierook, H.K.H., Scalzo, R., Kohn, D., Chandra, R., Farahbakhsh, E., Clark, C., Reddy, S.M., Muller, R.D., 2021. Bayesian geological and geophysical data fusion for the construction and uncertainty quantification of 3D geological models. Geoscience Frontiers, 21, 479–493. Impact Factor, 2020 = 6.853. (Open Access link)

29. Steenfelt, A., Hollis, J., Kirkland, C. L., Olierook, H. K. H., Szilas, K., Yakymchuk, C., Gardiner, N. J., 2021. The Mesoarchaean Akia terrane, West Greenland, revisited: New insights based on spatial integration of geophysics, field observation, geochemistry and geochronology. Precambrian Research. 352, 105958. Impact Factor, 2020 = 4.725. (ResearchGate link)

28.*Jiang, Q., Jourdan, F., Olierook, H. K. H., Merle, R. E., Whittaker, J. M., 2021. Longest continuously erupting large igneous province driven by plume–ridge interaction. GEOLOGY, 49, 206210. Impact Factor, 2020 = 5.399. (ResearchGate link)

2020 (9)

27. Waterton, P., Hyde, W. R., Tusch, J., Hollis, J. A., Kirkland, C. L., Kinney, C., Yakymchuk, C., Gardiner, N. J., Zakharov, D., Olierook, H. K. H., Münker, C., Lightfoot, P. C., Szilas, K. , 2020. Geodynamic implications of synchronous norite and TTG formation in the 3 Ga Maniitsoq Norite Belt, West Greenland. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 562062. Impact Factor, 2019 = 2.689. (ResearchGate link)

26. Olierook, H. K. H., Rankenburg, K., Ulrich, S., Kirkland, C. L., Evans, N. J., Brown, S., McInnes, B. I., Prent, A., Gillespie, J., McDonald, B., Darragh, M., 2020. Resolving multiple geological events using in situ Rb-Sr geochronology: implications for metallogenesis at Tropicana, Western Australia.  Geochronology, 2, 283303. Impact Factor, 2019 = n/a. (Open Access link)

25. Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Szilas, K, Hollis, J., Gardiner, N. J., Steenfelt, A., Jiang, Q., Yakymchuk, C., Evans, N. J., McDonald, B.J. 2020. Differentiating between inherited and autocrystic zircon in granitoids. Journal of Petrology, 61, egaa081. Impact Factor, 2019 = 3.451. (ResearchGate link)

24. Doucet, L. S., Li, Z. X., Gamal El Dien, H. G., Pourteau, A., Murphy, B., Collins, W. J., Mattiel, N., Olierook, H. K. H., Spencer, C. J., Mitchell, R. N., 2020. Distinct formation history for deep-mantle domains reflected in geochemical differences. Nature Geoscience, 13, 511–515. Impact Factor, 2018 = 14.480. (ResearchGate link)

23. Agangi, A., Reddy, S.M., Plavsa, D., Olierook, H.K.H., Kylander-Clark, A.R.C. 2020. Compositional modification and trace element decoupling in rutile: insight from the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 345, 105772. Impact Factor, 2018 = 3.834. (ResearchGate link)

22. Olierook, H. K. H., Kirkland, C. L., Barham, M., Hollis, J., Vass, A., 2020. Zircon fingerprint of the Neoproterozoic North Atlantic: Perspectives from East Greenland. Precambrian Research, 342, 105653. Impact Factor, 2018 = 3.834. (ResearchGate link)

21. Kirkland, C. L., Yakymchuk, C., Gardiner, N. J., Szilas, K, Hollis, J., Olierook, H., Steenfelt, A., 2020. Titanite petrochronology linked to phase equilibrium modelling constrains tectono-thermal events in the Akia Terrane, West Greenland. Chemical Geology, 536, 119467. Impact Factor, 2018 = 3.618. (ResearchGate link)

20. Olierook, H.K.H., Jourdan, F., Whittaker, J. M., Merle, R.E., Jiang, Q., Pourteau, A., Doucet, L.S., 2020. Timing and causes of the mid-Cretaceous global plate reorganization event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534, 116071. Impact Factor, 2018 = 4.637. (ResearchGate link)

19.*Farahbakhsh, E., Chandra, R., Olierook, H.K.H., Scalzo, R., Clark, C., Reddy, S.M., Muller, R.D., 2020. Computer vision techniques for extracting geological lineaments from optical remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41, 1760–1787. Impact Factor, 2018 = 2.493. (Open Access link)

2019 (8)

18. Olierook, H.K.H., Jourdan, F., Merle, R.E., 2019. Age of the Barremian–Aptian boundary and onset of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Earth-Science Reviews, 197, 102906. Impact Factor, 2018 = 9.530. (ResearchGate link)

17. Scalzo, R., Kohn, D., Olierook, H.K.H., Houseman, G., Chandra, R., Girolami, M. and Cripps, S., 2019. Efficiency and robustness in Monte Carlo sampling for 3-D geophysical inversions with Obsidian v0.1.2: setting up for success. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 2941–2960. Impact Factor, 2018 = 5.154. (ResearchGate link)

16. Merle, R.E., Jourdan, F., Chiaradia, M., Olierook, H.K.H., Manatschal, G., 2019. Origin of Cretaceous intraplate magmatism in the Central Atlantic: a single melting anomaly? Lithos, 343-343, 480–498. Impact Factor, 2018 = 3.913. (ResearchGate link)

15. Olierook, H.K.H., Clark, C., Reddy, S.M., Mazumder, R., Jourdan, F., Evans, N.J.,. 2019. Evolution of the Singhbhum Craton and supracrustal province  from age, isotopic and chemical constraints. Earth-Science Reviews, 193, 237–259. Impact Factor, 2018 = 9.530. (ResearchGate link)

14. Olierook, H.K.H., Jourdan, F., Jiang, Q., Chiaradia, M.,  2019. Greater Kerguelen large igneous province reveals no role for Kerguelen mantle plume in the continental breakup of eastern Gondwana. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 511, 244–255. Impact Factor, 2018 = 4.637. (ResearchGate link)

13. Olierook, H.K.H., Agangi, A., Plavsa, D., Reddy, S.M., Clark, C., Yao, W.-H., Occhipinti, S.A., Kylander-Clark, A.R.C., 2019. Neoproterozoic hydrothermal activity in the West Australian Craton related to Rodinia assembly or breakup? Gondwana Research, 68, 1–12. Impact Factor, 2018 = 6.478. (ResearchGate link)

12. Olierook, H.K.H., Taylor, R.J.M., Erickson, T.M., Clark, C., Reddy, S.M., Jahn, I., Kirkland, C.L., Barham, M., 2019. Unravelling complex geologic histories using U–Pb and trace element systematics of titanite. Chemical Geology, 504, 105–122. Impact Factor, 2018 = 3.618. (ResearchGate link)

11. Olierook, H.K.H., Barham, M., Fitzsimons, I.C.W., Timms, N.E., Jiang, Q., Evans, N.J., McDonald, B.J., 2019. Tectonic controls on sediment provenance evolution in rift basins: detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope analysis from the Perth Basin, Western Australia. Gondwana Research, 66, 126–142. Impact Factor, 2018 = 6.478. (ResearchGate link) 

2018 (1)

10. Olierook, H.K.H., Sheppard, S., Johnson, S.P., Occhipinti, S.A., Reddy, S.M., Clark, C., Fletcher, I.R., Rasmussen, B., Zi, J.-W., Pirajno, F., LaFlamme, C., Do, T., Ware, B., Blandthorn, E., Lindsay, M., Lu, Y.-J., Crossley, R.J., Erickson, T.M., 2018. Extensional episodes in the Paleoproterozoic Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia, revealed by petrogenesis and geochronology of mafic–ultramafic rocks. Precambrian Research, 306, 22–40. Impact Factor, 2017 = 3.907. (ResearchGate link)

2017 (1)

9. Olierook, H.K.H., Merle, R.E., Jourdan, F., 2017. Toward a Greater Kerguelen large igneous province: Evolving mantle source contributions in and around the Indian Ocean. Lithos, 282–283, 163–172. Impact Factor, 2016 = 3.677. (ResearchGate link)

2016 (2)

8. Olierook, H.K.H., Jourdan, F., Merle, R.E., Timms, N.E., Kusznir, N.J. and Muhling, J. 2016. Bunbury Basalt: Gondwana breakup products or earliest vestiges of the Kerguelen mantle plume? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 20–32. Impact Factor, 2015 = 4.326. (ResearchGate link)

7. Olierook, H.K.H. & Timms, N.E. 2016. Quantifying multiple Permian–Cretaceous exhumation events during the breakup of eastern Gondwana: Sonic transit time analysis of the central and southern Perth Basin. Basin Research, doi: 10.1111/bre.12133. Impact Factor, 2014 = 2.732. (ResearchGate link)

2015 (4)

6. Olierook, H.K.H., Merle, R.E., Jourdan, F., Sircombe, K., Fraser, G., Timms, N.E. & Nelson, G. 2015. Age and geochemistry from magmatism on the oceanic Wallaby Plateau and implications for the opening of the Indian Ocean. GEOLOGY, 43, 971–974. Impact Factor, 2014 = 4.884. (ResearchGate link)

5. Olierook, H.K.H., Timms, N.E., Wellmann, J.F., Corbel, S. & Wilkes, P.G. 2015. A 3D structural and stratigraphic model of the Perth Basin: Implications for basin fill on the Western Australian margin during and after Gondwana. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 447–467. Impact Factor, 2014 = 1.478. (ResearchGate link)

4. Timms, N.E., Olierook, H.K.H., Wilson, M.E.J., Delle Piane, C., Hamilton, P.J., Cope, P. & Stütenbecker, L. 2015. Sedimentary facies analysis, mineralogy and diagenesis of the Mesozoic aquifers of the central Perth Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 60, 54–78. Impact Factor, 2014 = 2.639. (ResearchGate link)

3. Olierook, H.K.H., Timms, N.E., Merle, R.E., Jourdan, F. & Wilkes, P.G. 2015. Paleo-drainage and fault development in the southern Perth Basin, Western Australia during and after the breakup of Gondwana from 3D modelling of the Bunbury Basalt. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 289–305. Impact Factor, 2014 = 1.478. (ResearchGate link)

2014 (2)

2. Olierook, H.K.H., Timms, N.E. & Hamilton, P.J. 2014. Mechanisms for permeability modification in the damage zone of a normal fault, northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 50, 130–147. Impact Factor, 2013 = 2.469. (ResearchGate link)

1. Olierook, H.K.H., Delle Piane, C., Timms, N.E., Esteban, L., Razaee, R., Mory, A.J. & Hancock, L. 2014. Facies-based rock properties characterization for CO2 sequestration: GSWA Harvey 1 well, Western Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 50, 83–102. Impact Factor, 2013 = 2.469. (ResearchGate link)

Books, Book Chapter and Theses

Total: 2 (2 first author)

2015 (1)

2. Olierook, H.K.H., 2015. Tectono-stratigraphic evolution during rifting of the southwestern Australian margin PhD Thesis. Curtin University, Perth, Australia. 283p.

2011 (1)

1. Olierook, H., 2011. Fault-related strain accommodation and diagenesis in the Northern Perth Basin: Implications for fluid pathways. Honours Thesis, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 105p.

Technical Reports and Field Guides

Total: 11 (5 first author)

2018 (2)

11. Stokes, J.M., Noble, R.R.P., Hill, E.J. and Olierook, H.K.H., 2018. Differentiating domains for CO2 sequestration at Harvey-3 via integration of geochemistry, spectral mineralogy, facies modelling and wavelet tessellation analysis . EP189682, CSIRO, Australia. 139p. 

10. Olierook, H.K.H., Reddy, S.M., Clark, C., Fiorentini, M.L., Agangi, A., Plavsa, D., Taylor, R.J.M., LaFlamme, C., Pearce, M.A., White, A.J.R., Spinks, S., Erickson, T.M., Barham, M., Meadows, H.M., Selveraja, V., Armandola, S., Jahn, I., Verberne, R., Fougerouse, D., Do, T., Boyce, R., Hoppe, S., 2019. The Distal Footprints of Giant Ore Systems, Theme 3: Mineral hosts as distal footprints, Science and Industry Endowment Fund and Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia Confidential Report, Perth, Australia.

2013 (1)

9. Delle Piane, C., Olierook, H.K.H., Timms, N.E., Saeedi, A., Esteban, L., Rezaee, R., Mikhaltsevitch, V., Lebedev, Maxim. 2013. Facies-based rock properties distribution along the Harvey 1 stratigraphic well. CSIRO Report Number EP133710. 168p

2012 (8)

8. Timms, N.E., Corbel, C., Olierook, H., Wilkes, P.G., Delle Piane, C., Sheldon, H.A., Alix, R., Horowitz, F.G., Wilson, M.E.J., Evans, K.A., Griffiths, C., Stütenbecker, L., Israni, S., Hamilton, P.J., Esteban, L., Cope, P., Evans, C., Pimienta, L., Dyt, C., Huang, X., Hopkins, J., and Champion, D., (2012), Perth Basin Assessments Program, Project 2: Geomodel. Western Australia Geothermal Centre of Excellence. WAGCoE Report EP122443, April 2012, 202pp. ISBN: 978-0-643-10905-6.

7. Timms, N.E., Olierook, H., Wilson, M.E.J., and Stütenbecker, L., (2012), Characterisation of the sedimentary/lithological heterogeneity of potential geothermal target rocks in the Perth metropolitan area. In: Timms, N.E., Corbel, C., Olierook, H., Wilkes, P.G., Delle Piane, C., Sheldon, H.A., Alix, R., Horowitz, F.G., Wilson, M.E.J., Evans, K.A., Griffiths, C., Stütenbecker, L., Israni, S., Hamilton, P.J., Esteban, L., Cope, P., Evans, C., Pimienta, L., Dyt, C., Huang, X., Hopkins, J., and Champion, D., (2012), Perth Basin Assessments Program, Project 2: Geomodel. Western Australia Geothermal Centre of Excellence. WAGCoE Report EP122443, April 2012, 56-74. ISBN: 978-0-643-10905-6.

6. Timms, N.E., Olierook, H., Delle Piane, C., Wilson, M.E.J., Stütenbecker, L., Israni, S., Hamilton, P.J., Esteban, L., Cope, P., Evans, C., and Pimienta, L., (2012), Mineralogy, diagenesis and petrophysical properties of potential geothermal target rocks in the central Perth Basin. In: Timms, N.E., Corbel, C., Olierook, H., Wilkes, P.G., Delle Piane, C., Sheldon, H.A., Alix, R., Horowitz, F.G., Wilson, M.E.J., Evans, K.A., Griffiths, C., Stütenbecker, L., Israni, S., Hamilton, P.J., Esteban, L., Cope, P., Evans, C., Pimienta, L., Dyt, C., Huang, X., Hopkins, J., and Champion, D., (2012), Perth Basin Assessments Program, Project 2: Geomodel. Western Australia Geothermal Centre of Excellence. WAGCoE Report EP122443, April 2012, 75-103. ISBN: 978-0-643-10905-6.

5. Timms, N.E., Olierook, H., and Hamilton, P.J., (2012), Fault-related damage and diagenesis and implications for fault permeability in the north Perth Basin. In: Timms, N.E., Corbel, C., Olierook, H., Wilkes, P.G., Delle Piane, C., Sheldon, H.A., Alix, R., Horowitz, F.G., Wilson, M.E.J., Evans, K.A., Griffiths, C., Stütenbecker, L., Israni, S., Hamilton, P.J., Esteban, L., Cope, P., Evans, C., Pimienta, L., Dyt, C., Huang, X., Hopkins, J., and Champion, D., (2012), Perth Basin Assessments Program, Project 2: Geomodel. Western Australia Geothermal Centre of Excellence. WAGCoE Report EP122443, April 2012, 128-148. ISBN: 978-0-643-10905-6.

4. Olierook, H., Stütenbecker, L., Timms, N.E., Delle Piane, C., and Wilson, M., 2012a, Petrography and facies analysis report on Cockburn-1, Perth Metropolitan area, Western Australia. WA Geothermal Centre of Excellence Confidential Report, Perth, Australia, 52p.

3. Olierook, H., Timms, N.E., and Delle Piane, C., 2012b, Petrography and facies analysis report on Pinjarra-1, Perth Metropolitan area, Western Australia. WA Geothermal Centre of Excellence Confidential Report, Perth, 52p. 

2. Olierook, H., Timms, N.E., and Delle Piane, C., 2012c, Petrography and facies analysis report on Gingin-1, Perth Metropolitan area, Western Australia. WA Geothermal Centre of Excellence Confidential Report, Perth, 56p.

1.  Olierook, H., Timms, N.E., and Delle Piane, C., 2012d, Petrography and facies analysis report on Gingin-2, Perth Metropolitan area, Western Australia. WA Geothermal Centre of Excellence Confidential Report, Perth, 32p.

Internet articles

Total: 1 (1 first author)

2016 (1)

Olierook, H.K.H., Merle, R.E., Jourdan, F., August 2016 LIP of the Month, The Cretaceous Wallaby Plateau Igneous Province: a small oceanic plateau or submerged continental flood basalt? Large igneous province commision